Wednesday, March 09, 2016

5th Anniversary Celebration – Adventure of a Lifetime!

Thousands of dollars in prizes awarded every week!

It’s been five glorious years of massive battles and ascended souls…and that means it’s time to party! Grab your friends, gather your guildmates, and prepare for a month-long celebration that will rock the planes.

The 5th Anniversary Celebration kicks off on March 9th, with a World Event that rewards incredible prizes for those that achieve greatness, and through April 6th, you can earn 5th Anniversary Tickets for doing the stuff you normally do!

Each week will also have a special focus, where a specific game activity pays out even more tickets:
Activity Focus Week Leaderboard
Instant Adventure March 9th – 16th
Random Chronicles* March 16th – 23rd
Random Warfronts* March 23rd – 30th
Random Dungeons* March 31st – April 6th
Zone Events

* If you have a charge, you’ll gain additional tickets for completing these events. Zone events and Weeklies don’t have a focus week; you’ll earn tickets for those throughout the entire world event.
**Applies to Savant Crafting weeklies offered by Howard in Tempest Bay and Margle Palace and the quests Five if by Sea and Aquias Avenger.
In-Game and Leaderboard Rewards

Earn amazing rewards in-game and out throughout the world event!

5 years; 500+ Prizes!

Speak to Maguck the Ticket Master in Tempest Bay to see the in-game rewards offered, including the Mystical Carousel Ram, Tier 3 Raid gear (rings and earrings), 46 soul vanity capes (one for each soul!), the Haunted Terminal dimension, and more!

We’ve partnered with Enjin, a premier guild hosting site, to host the Leaderboard for us. Click here or on the Enjin logo above to visit the Leaderboard and track your progress through the event. We suspect they have a special deal for guilds looking for a home as well!

The Top 100 players on the Leaderboard are guaranteed to win prizes, and even more Ascended in the Top 1,000 will be eligible to win random prizes. The Leaderboard will be updated several times each day, and rewards will be given out daily.

Credit Packs (100+/week)

Each week, we’ll grant free credit packs to the Top 100 players, based on their placement on the Leaderboard. We’ll also choose players at random from the Top 1,000 for credit packs. But that’s not all; check out some of the other amazing weekly and event rewards below!

Khar’s Patron Legacy (10 Winners)

No one can resist Khar, the loveable, cuddly king of the Planetouched Wilds. To make sure you stick around for the wine, debauchery, and song, as he’s going to grant ten lucky people 5 years of Patron access! You can check out all your Patron abilities here.

Black Tier Loyalty (5 Winners)

Congratulations, the next round of mead is on you! Five Ascended will unlock prestige: Black Tier Loyalty rewards! Get all the fantastic rewards that come with Black Tier loyalty including an Auctioneer of your very own, enhanced summons of your friends, titles, pets, portrait frames, bags, and more!

Horn of Plentiful Mounts (7 Winners)

The Cosmic Rhinoceros has traveled across space and time to grant seven adventurers every mount ever released as part of a trove or supply crate, from launch through Feb. 2016. How many mounts is that, you ask? When you’re done counting, please let us know.

Hammerknell-forged Armor (6 Winners)

Six Ascended will soon be dressed for success! Congratulations on these valuable, shiny and complete sets of Tier 2 armor from Hammerknell!

Dev Rewards

Leave your mark on Telara! The winners in this category will work with the Dev Team to create something new. You’ll need to opt-in to receive emails from Trion, and respond within two weeks of winning, in order to claim your spot in RIFT history. Check out the complete rules below, and double-check your opt-in status by clicking here.

Legacy of Regulos* (2 Winners)

We’re not saying you’re getting old, but you’re pretty much an artifact! You’ll have the honor of naming a six-item artifact set that Dead Simon will create – and then gleefully hide in the darkest corners of Telara.
Winners will get a six-item artifact set to name; must deliver the following info:
Set Name and Description
Artifact names, short lore text, and rarity.
Icons will be picked by Devs (but you can provide suggestions!)

A Sword by Any Other Name* (2 Winners)

Add to the vast expanse of RIFT lore by naming your very own weapon!

Library of the Runemasters* (1 Winner)

Immortalize your conquests in Telara’s history by appearing in your own biography!
You will provide a small blurb about your character and captaincursor will create an in-game book based on it, with his special RIFT flair.
Winners will receive a free copy.

Mind’s Eye Minion* (1 Winner)

Join the ranks of Finric and rescue your very own mammal! You’ll realize how fortuitous this rescue was, when you get to name a Minion card!

Name an NPC* (3 Winners)

Choose a name, playable race, and gender for an NPC, and the Devs will bring him/her to life in Telara!

Custom Title* (1 Winner)

Prefix or suffix? Noble or humorous? It’s so hard to choose these days, but the winner will need to make this momentous decision! One character on your account will receive your custom character title.

*All names, titles, and text are subject to Trion’s Terms of Service, naming policy, and discretion of the RIFT Team. If a suggestion is found to be unsuitable for RIFT for any reason, the winners of these prizes will have to suggest alternate text.

Rewards by Week

Here’s an overview of what rewards will be granted by week. We’ll post the Top 100 players, plus the Random and Dev winners, on the forums each week.
Rank Week 1 – Instant Adventure Week 2 – Chronicles Week 3 – Warfronts
1 $100 Credit Pack
Khar’s Patron Legacy $100 Credit Pack
Hammerknell-forged Armor
Khar’s Patron Legacy $100 Credit Pack
Horn of Plentiful Mounts
Khar’s Patron Legacy
2-10 $50 Credit Pack $50 Credit Pack $50 Credit Pack
11-50 $20 Credit Pack $20 Credit Pack $20 Credit Pack
51-100 $5 Credit Pack $5 Credit Pack $5 Credit Pack
Random Top 1k Khar’s Patron Legacy
Horn of Plentiful Mounts
Credit Packs (1 each) Hammerknell-forged Armor
Horn of Plentiful Mounts
Black Tier Loyalty
Credit Packs (1 each)
Khar’s Patron Legacy Khar’s Patron Legacy
Credit Packs (1 each)
Black Tier Loyalty
Horn of Plentiful Mounts
Dev Rewards
Random Top 1k Legacy of Regulos
Name an NPC A Sword by Any Other Name
Mind’s Eye Minion Legacy of Regulos
Name an NPC

Rank Week 4 – Dungeons End of Event
1 $100 Credit Pack
Hammerknell-forged Armor
Khar’s Patron Legacy $100 Credit Pack
Khar’s Patron Legacy
Black Tier Loyalty
Horn of Plentiful Mounts
Hammerknell-forged Armor
2-10 $50 Credit Pack $100 Credit Pack
11-50 $20 Credit Pack $50 Credit Pack
51-100 $5 Credit Pack $20 Credit Pack
Random Top 1k Hammerknell-forged Armor
Horn of Plentiful Mounts
Credit Packs (1 each)
Black Tier Loyalty
Khar’s Patron Legacy Khar’s Patron Legacy
Credit Packs (1 each)
Hammerknell-forged Armor
Black Tier Loyalty
Horn of Plentiful Mounts
Dev Rewards
Random Top 1k A Sword by Any Other Name
Name an NPC Library of the Runemasters
Custom Title

By the Numbers

The number of tickets you can receive varies by week and focus event. The numbers below show the number of tickets received normally and when using a charge. Tickets are earned upon completion of the quest (chronicle, dungeon, instant adventure) and when winning a warfront.
Event Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Instant Adventure 2 1 1 1
Chronicles 2/6 4/12 2/6 2/6
Warfronts 6/18 6/18 12/36 6/18
Dungeons 2/6 2/6 2/6 4/12
Weeklies 10 10 10 10
Zone Events 1 1 1 1

Rules and Such
An account can only earn a named reward once. If won a second time, the reward will be granted to another player (determined by Trion) and you’ll receive a credit pack instead.
Credit packs are not considered a named reward, and accounts can earn those multiple times.
Leaderboards hosted by do not display real-time rankings and may not represent final winners for weekly and event-wide participation. Trion will pull data each week and at the end of the event to determine final winners. Trion’s decisions regarding winners are final.
Players that win Dev Rewards must be opted-in to receive emails from Trion, and must respond within 2 weeks of a request for information to complete their reward.

Check out the full rules and conditions here!

Ascended, prepare yourselves for the Adventure of a Lifetime! The RIFT 5thAnniversary only happens once – make sure you can say you were here and battled for some of these amazing rewards!


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