Thursday, September 27, 2018

RIFTstream 09/28: Kitasia On Dimensioneering

Kitasia is coming to town, and we invited her in for a Livestream at the studio!

Dimensioneering is a big part of RIFT, and there is a whole group of folks who spend most of their play time building out incredible environs. Some games have player housing… Telara offers you entire ZONES to build out!

Kitasia will offer her personal advice based on years of mastering the craft of building in RIFT.
Storage issues – do you need to level up – how to get ahead as a new builder – how important are minions – and YOUR questions!
We are thrilled to have her here for this event! She runs in her spare time; a great site for those learning the craft.

This just in, Dev Salvatrix, parton goddess of Dimensioneers, is also going to take time to join us on the stream to offer inside information on the art!

RIFT Livestream
Fridays, 11:30 AM PDT


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