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Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Analyzing the potential future of cryptocurrencies in RIFT and other MMOs

One potential future for cryptocurrencies in RIFT and other MMOs is their wider adoption as a legitimate form of currency within virtual economies. Currently, many MMOs have their own in-game currencies, which are typically purchased with real money and used to buy virtual items or services. However, the use of cryptocurrencies could allow for greater transparency and security in these transactions, as well as potentially lower fees for players and developers.

Additionally, the adoption of cryptocurrencies in MMOs could lead to the creation of decentralized virtual economies, where players can directly buy and sell items and services with each other using cryptocurrencies. This could give players more control over their virtual assets and potentially create new opportunities for entrepreneurs within the game.

Another potential future for cryptocurrencies in MMOs is their use in other aspects of online gaming, such as for purchasing in-game items or services, or for betting on e-sports tournaments. The use of cryptocurrencies in these areas could provide a more secure and transparent system for transactions, as well as potentially lower fees for players.

Overall, the wider adoption of cryptocurrencies in RIFT and other MMOs could have significant impacts on the gaming industry as a whole. It could lead to the creation of more decentralized and player-controlled virtual economies, as well as potentially lower fees and increased security for transactions within the industry. However, it is also important to consider the potential risks and challenges that could arise with the wider adoption of cryptocurrencies, such as the potential for fraud or market volatility.

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Monday, January 09, 2023

Examining the impact of cryptocurrencies on player behavior in RIFT


In the virtual world of RIFT, the introduction of cryptocurrencies has had a significant impact on player behavior. The use of cryptocurrencies has changed the way players interact with each other and the game's economy, as well as introduced potential negative consequences such as fraud and exploitation. IF you are out of the loop, you can learn more by reading these crypto guides.

One of the major impacts of cryptocurrencies on player behavior in RIFT is the increased level of interactivity and collaboration between players. With the ability to use cryptocurrencies to purchase in-game items and services, players are more likely to engage in trading and commerce with each other. This has led to a more active and dynamic in-game economy, as players are motivated to seek out valuable items and services to sell for profit.

However, the use of cryptocurrencies in RIFT has also introduced the potential for fraud and exploitation. Some players have been known to use fake or stolen cryptocurrencies to scam other players out of their hard-earned in-game assets. This can be especially damaging for inexperienced players who may not be aware of the risks associated with using cryptocurrencies in the game.

Despite these potential negative consequences, the use of cryptocurrencies in RIFT has largely been a positive development. It has facilitated a more vibrant and interactive in-game economy, allowing players to engage in meaningful trading and commerce with each other. However, it is important for players to be aware of the risks associated with using cryptocurrencies, and to take precautions to protect themselves from fraud and exploitation. Overall, the impact of cryptocurrencies on player behavior in RIFT has been significant, and will likely continue to shape the way players interact with each other and the game's economy for years to come.
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Sunday, January 08, 2023

Comparing RIFT's use of virtual currencies to other MMOs and online games


In the online gaming world, virtual currencies have become a common feature in many massively multiplayer online (MMO) games and other online games. These virtual currencies, often referred to as in-game currency or virtual currency, are used as a means for players to purchase items, services, and other in-game content. One MMO game that utilizes virtual currencies is RIFT, a fantasy-themed game developed by Trion Worlds.

RIFT's use of virtual currencies is fairly standard compared to other MMOs, with players able to purchase the game's primary virtual currency, Platinum, using real money. Platinum can then be used to purchase a variety of items, such as gear, mounts, and pets, as well as to unlock certain features and services, such as character and account-wide boosts.

One way in which RIFT differs from other MMOs in terms of virtual currency use is that it also has a secondary virtual currency, called Credits. Credits are earned through various in-game activities, such as completing quests and defeating enemies, and can be used to purchase items from vendors or other players through the game's auction house. This dual currency system allows for players who may not want to spend real money on virtual currency to still have the option to purchase in-game items through the use of Credits.

One potential advantage of using virtual currencies in online games, such as RIFT, is that it provides players with the ability to customize their gaming experience. By purchasing items or unlocking features with virtual currency, players can tailor their character's appearance, abilities, and overall gameplay to their liking. This can be especially appealing to players who want to stand out in the game or who want to have access to certain content that may not be available to all players.

However, there are also potential disadvantages to using virtual currencies in online games. One concern is that players who are willing to spend real money on virtual currency may have an unfair advantage over players who do not. This can create a pay-to-win dynamic, where players who have access to more virtual currency are able to progress faster or have a stronger in-game presence. This can lead to a feeling of imbalance among players, which can ultimately impact the overall player experience.

In conclusion, RIFT's use of virtual currencies is similar to that of other MMOs, with players able to purchase the primary virtual currency, Platinum, using real money and earning the secondary currency, Credits, through in-game activities. While virtual currencies can provide players with the ability to customize their gaming experience, there is also the potential for an unfair advantage among players who are willing to spend real money on virtual currency. Overall, the use of virtual currencies in online games, such as RIFT, can be both an advantage and disadvantage depending on how they are implemented and utilized by players.
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Saturday, January 07, 2023

Exploring the role of cryptocurrencies in the in-game economy of RIFT

Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular in recent years, and their use has extended beyond just traditional financial markets. In the virtual world of RIFT, a popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), players have begun using cryptocurrencies to buy and sell in-game items. This trend has sparked a debate about the role of cryptocurrencies in the in-game economy of RIFT, and how the game's developers should respond to it.

One of the main benefits of using cryptocurrencies in RIFT is that they offer a fast and secure way for players to buy and sell in-game items. Transactions using cryptocurrencies can be completed almost instantly, and they are secured using advanced encryption technology. This makes them much safer than traditional methods of payment, which can be vulnerable to fraud and identity theft.

Another advantage of using cryptocurrencies in RIFT is that they offer players a degree of anonymity. Unlike traditional payment methods, which require players to provide personal information, cryptocurrencies can be used anonymously. This is especially appealing to players who value their privacy and want to keep their personal information out of the hands of others.

Despite these benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to using cryptocurrencies in RIFT. One concern is that they can be highly volatile, with the value of a cryptocurrency fluctuating rapidly over time. This means that players who buy in-game items using cryptocurrencies may end up paying more or less than they would have using a stable currency like the US dollar.

Another concern is that the use of cryptocurrencies in RIFT could lead to fraud and other illicit activity. For example, players could potentially use cryptocurrencies to buy and sell stolen in-game items, or to launder money. This could create significant risks for both the players and the game's developers.

So far, the developers of RIFT have taken a cautious approach to the use of cryptocurrencies in their game. They have not officially endorsed the use of cryptocurrencies, and they have not implemented any specific mechanisms to support their use. However, they have also not taken any steps to prohibit the use of cryptocurrencies, and they have not publicly expressed any concerns about their potential impact on the in-game economy.

Overall, the use of cryptocurrencies in the in-game economy of RIFT is a complex and controversial issue. While they offer some clear benefits, including fast and secure transactions and a degree of anonymity, they also carry some significant risks. Ultimately, the decision about whether or not to use cryptocurrencies in RIFT will depend on the preferences and priorities of individual players, and the stance of the game's developers.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Medieval Armor in Video Games: Sinners and Saints

The medieval (and medieval-inspired fantasy) has always been an enormously rich source of inspiration for game designers and digital artists. Some high-fantasy games – like the Final Fantasy series – draw from a wide variety of time periods and styles, mixing them together with little regard for accuracy or function in order to create a gorgeous magical style. Others, such as the Chivalry games, tout themselves as a true-to-life recreation of medieval armor, faithfully reproducing both the form and function of armor. RIFT’s designers have made a pretty good stab at combining medieval styles with fantasy flare, and the armor styles in the game are (thankfully) free of many of the major pitfalls that depictions of fantasy armor fall into. Here we’ll have a look at some of the saints, and sinners, of the world of medieval armor in gaming.

The Saints

Obviously, some games set out to be a highly realistic simulation of the medieval era, and, if the game makers have done their homework, they’re bound to get most things right. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an excellent example of this. Although it was plagued with issues upon release, it has been significantly tidied up by developer Warhorse since launch. Its setting of medieval Bohemia at the opening of the 15th-century is a rare choice, and their spectacularly broad sandbox-style world is filled with meticulously researched equipment and armor. Broadly, the armor styles are absolutely excellent. Armor pieces become scuffed and bent over time, losing effectiveness and requiring repair – a wealthy medieval knight would have had an armorer in their retinue to maintain their armor. As well, the game allows you to ‘layer’ your armor with multiple slots on each part of the body. This allows you to wear a padded jacket (a ‘gambeson’ or arming doublet), under a chainmail hauberk, under a steel breastplate, under a colorful tabard. This closely matches the multi-layered armor outfits that men-at-arms in this era would have worn.

Another game that makes a really good stab at portraying medieval armor accurately is multiplayer medieval brawler Mordhau. You get the impression that developer Triternion have a genuine respect for the form and function of medieval armor, rather than including different styles just for the aesthetic. It is easy to miss, for example, that 15th century medieval armor is frequently asymmetric, designed with thicker and heavier armor on the left, where a knight would expect to receive a blow from a mounted enemy – or that Gothic armor gauntlets from the 14th century (before the invention of sliding rivets and complex armor articulation) frequently had extremely wide flared cuffs to permit the full range of motion. Yet Mordhau painstakingly recreates these details and many more besides. They’ve even reproduced some real artifacts from the medieval era to wear in-game, like the von Pranckh funeral helmet, complete with its spectacular painted leather winged horns!

The Sinners

Frustratingly, a lot of the most gratingly inaccurate armor in video games is often to be seen on women characters. The notorious phenomenon of ‘female armor’ does an enormous disservice to women gamers, and to female medieval warriors. Some of the worst offenders in this category include Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Shahdee’s armor is not only functionally useless, but also appears to be made from solid, unarticulated metal!), Enclave (the exposed skin of Lady von Buckethead’s ‘armor’ would be useless against any standard medieval ranged weaponry, and also definitely cuts off circulation in several places) and Lineage 2 (can you spell ‘fan service’?). Even the beloved Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is not immune from the curse of ‘female armor’ – the Forsworn appear to have a penchant for animal-fur bikinis, despite living in the mountainous tundra of the Reach!

RIFT sometimes veers perilously close to this pitfall with exposed skin on otherwise heavily armored female sets, but manages to avoid it by offering a good selection of armor for female characters that looks like, well, normal armor. There were a number of historical medieval women that we know certainly wore armor in the field: the 11th century noblewoman Matilda of Canossa, for example, frequently took to the field in armor to lead her troops against Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV in northern Italy. Although we have no surviving contemporary images of Matilda, nor surviving armor that we can attribute to her, we know that she wasn’t dressed like Lady von Buckethead, because she wasn’t killed by the first arrow that came near her.

Heaven and Hell

The Medieval era is more than just a time when people made cool armor. It was a very different time, characterized by a radically different kind of society, built on honor and feudal bonds rather than commerce and globalization. The best medieval-inspired game engage with how this society made its armor rather than just sprinkling in some shiny steel objects. RIFT’s own magical economy is well-reflected in its armor – and mercifully, it provides a much more woman-friendly armor environment. Top marks.

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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Through a Game Junkie’s Eyes: The Discovery of RIFT

We want to share this blog by Eiahn of the Gaiscioch Family – it’s great to read about RIFT through the experience of a new player!

“I had never played an MMO before and barely even paid attention to them. To be honest, I was convinced they were not for me and that I would not enjoy playing them.

Oh, how I was wrong… I was so wrong…”

Welcome to Telara, Eiahn – we hope you stay with us for many years to come!

Check out the blog here on the Gaiscioch site!
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Monday, March 27, 2017

What We’d Like to See From Rift’s Next Expansion

More than five years since it was originally launched, Rift continues to be popular with a huge number of gamers. Indeed, according to recent research by analytics firm SuperData, it remains within the top 15 highest grossing pay-to-play MMO games in the world.

Last year’s well-received expansion Starfall Prophecy breathed some new life into the world created by developers Trion Worlds, giving gamers five new zones to explore and a host of other challenges to get stuck into. However, the release of the next chapter in Starfall Prophecy, Forged in Flame, has made us think about whether there are new ways for Trion to develop the world of Rift and perhaps even attract more players to it.

With gaming technology evolving at a rapid rate, there could be a few matters for the developers to consider as they continue to create new content for Rift.

New ways to pay
Subscription fee requirements for Rift ended in 2013 and the game took on the now widely recognised free-to-play format, which means players can purchase items and unlock new content through in-game purchases.

However, rather than just offering these options in traditional currency, should the game now start allowing people to use alternative means to pay such as bitcoin? While it originally launched in 2009, bitcoin is currently big news and recently reached record values. There are more and more instances of people being paid in the currency, and sites like are even offering gamers the chance to gamble with it in casino and sports betting games.

If Trion Worlds wants Rift to be ahead of the curve, it could do a lot worse than introduce bitcoin and other alternative payment options to the game.

An augmented experience
Pokémon Go was undoubtedly the biggest gaming success story of last year, with research suggesting it was downloaded more than 75 million times globally within days of its launch.

The game was, of course, a showcase for the huge potential offered to gaming by augmented reality technology, a concept which allows digital content and imagery to be added to real-world settings. With Pokémon Go leading the way, more games and apps are expected to embrace the huge potential of AR to create new, innovative and exciting experiences for the general public.
It would be fascinating to see what Trion Worlds could do with the technology to create exciting new features on Rift.

A whole new reality

Of course, the flipside to AR would be Trion Worlds using virtual reality to create a fully immersive experience which transports players deep into the world of Telara.

Improvements in the technology mean that VR is back with a real bang, with sales of headsets expected to grow 800 percent by 2021. Furthermore, a host of games based on major properties are being released, including content based on Ghostbusters and the upcoming Alien Covenant film.
Wouldn’t it be fascinating to see how Rift could be adapted into virtual reality – whether by developing exciting and immersive landscapes or even allowing you to see the action from your character’s point of view?

Host of options
The ideas above are just a few of the range of options that we think could be considered for Rift and fans will be able to come up with many more, too.

While the popularity of Rift shows no signs of abating just yet, there remains a huge opportunity for Trion Worlds to take advantage of recent innovations and push this much-loved MMO gaming experience to a whole new level.
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