Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Rift Steal Farming Spot In Game

after the 1.1 Patch, stealthfarming in Charmer's Couldron isn't worth the time anymore (just one Twilight Bloom Node accessible)

But in Abyssal Precipice nothing really changed.
There are up to 5 easy nodes (Ore, Wood and Plant).
you can harvest _all_ nodes, except the ones after the first boss (wall)!
One run takes ~5 min.
i do this on non-expert (as far as i know, spawns differ per mode, at least this was happening in cauldron)

Run out, reset, rinse and repeat - profit.

After 5 resets, and the "cannot reset" message. Just log out and in again, this Exploit still works.

be aware, that stealth got nerfed, don't stand to close to a mob... learned this the hard way

straight way to the first boss

First node, nothing special, just watch the paroling riptide

Second node, sap the first of this stone like mobs, and watch the pat

Third node, just grab, nothing can ever happen there

Near the first Boss, just avoid running into him, again 2 easy nodes

Last 2 nodes, right after the first boss. there aren't any mobs or whatever, so these two are the easiest here

finally found a way to get the last node:

on the way back out again, walk the green line, so the wolf will recognize you, wake up and he will walk a little to the left. sap the marked mob, loot the node


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