Thursday, February 01, 2018

Blazin’ Snail Discovered in Ashenfell!

These snails are HOT! Special flameproof saddle included, to protect your tender bits.

Introducing our new Supply Crate, featuring a chance at the rare Blazin’ Snail!

Where have these fiery, pre-cooked escargot been hiding? In the lava of Ashenfell, of course. We’ve all missed them in the past because any time we fall into lava, we don’t stop to look around – it’s a super fast jumping, flailing rush to get out before we get crispy!

Given the area they are found in, we surmised that these unusual gastropods feed on the ashen remains of failed critters and adventurers. Could this be the key to taming it? We wanted to put our theory to the test. RoughRaptors refused to be roasted and hung from a stick, claiming that it does not fall under “other duties as assigned. Therefore, we took a slightly burnt lobster to use as lead bait… and the Blazin’ Snail ravenously followed it. Huzzah!

If you’re lucky enough to gain one from the new Supply Crate, blaze a new trail at 160% of normal speed! If not, you’ll still gain valuable components as well as prize tickets that you can save toward your choice of awesome items!

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QOL: Eternal Weapon Upgrade Update!

The Eternal Weapon Quest gets NERFED… in a good way! (See Dwarf celebrating above with definitely-not-an-Eternal-Weapon)

Watch for the reworked Eternal Weapon upgrade path! Please send thanks, flowers, and your “about time!” comments to Tacitus. Huzzah!

The active upgrade steps and the quest chain have been separated out. The quest chain is still required at various steps, but the quest chain is now focused on quest activities.

The other upgrade activities such as closing Rifts, killing colossi, and running Expert dungeons are now tracked only on the weapon.
To keep it easy to track progress, a Track Progress checkbox has been added to the Upgrade Item window.
Additionally, the upgrade requirements for each step have been greatly decreased, making it easier to gear up alts or for new players to catch up on gearing!

These changes will be on the PTS for testing TODAY TOMORROW,* Feb 1, and will be rolled out to Live soon!
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Friday, January 19, 2018

2018: RIFT ON!

The holidays have ended, the calendar has turned over to 2018, and we’re heading toward RIFT’s 7-year anniversary!

Last year saw the team rounding out content for Prophecy of Ahnket, carrying this epic story through the drop-dead gorgeous peaks of the Tenebrean Schism, right to the tail of the comet itself! Untold numbers of Ascended took part in the deadly battles between the simulacrums of power-mad Ahnket and the vengeful troops of Crucia, both hell-bent on conquering the cosmos.

We also brought in a new soul: Mystic Archer, a dynamic and unique take on the AOE Mage Path, which has earned many adherents since its introduction! This soul showed us how much you like action combat: moving around while fighting with magic, and, just like the Tactician, not worrying too much about who you had targeted but rather relying on which way you are facing, for more organic and authentic feeling battles.

Along the way, we addressed important quality of life issues that you requested: the supply crate system was completely revamped to reward better items, including the prize ticket system to allow you to save up for the cool things YOU wanted. Our work here is never done, and we look forward to being able to make things better and better for you.

We also added seemingly minor but much-requested features such as a “relist all” button in the mailbox for expired auction sales – sometimes it’s the small details that make a game day more fun!

But hey, what are we planning for 2018, you ask?

In a previous Producer’s letter, we talked about ‘challenge servers’ and we got a lot of good feedback on that from you all. Overwhelmingly, you had your own ideas on what would really get you and your fellow playing friends, past and present, the most excited. And those responses led us in a direction we weren’t expecting!

While the idea of challenge servers was received well, the two themes that really dominated the feedback were: first, tons of people want to play fresh, and second, scores of suggestions on how to make the business model more appealing.

With that in mind, we are still keeping our ideas for challenges alive for the future, but we’re going to take our strongest cues from you as we progress in development. Without further ado…

Introducing RIFT Prime

In the Spring of 2018, we will launch a new server, RIFT Prime. We’ve paid a lot of attention in discussions with all of you and within the broader gaming community regarding business models in the MMO and games industry as a whole.

We have the opportunity to experiment with this fresh RIFT server using an oft-requested subscription model and progressively unlocked content. Our goal for RIFT Prime is to provide the experience that many of you have requested: no lockboxes, a significantly reduced store with more of the current store-based items obtained through gameplay (or removed entirely) – plus the excitement of sequential progression through RIFT’s content with monthly milestones and achievements.

We’re excited and we hope you are too!

We plan to present RIFT at its roots as much as is possible to do, and look forward to sharing details over the coming weeks. The PRIME server will progress at a faster pace than the original launch and will eventually come to an end in spectacular fashion.

As a small teaser of what’s to come, dynamically matching characters to their current zone’s level, dungeons dropping loot specific to your character’s true level, caps on the number of professions available to a single character, and participation awards that carry over to your characters on existing servers.

Many upcoming live content changes that apply to existing servers will also apply to the new PRIME server, assuming they’re not restricted by progression locks. We look forward to exploring all of these features and more with you in blogs and livestreams to come.

New life for PvP!

Another area that we have heard a lot of feedback on is PvP. We are happy to say that some time after RIFT Prime is released, we’ll start talking about our next warfront! This will include a new game mode taking place in a completely new area with a new look.

We are also currently testing new gameplay tech that would allow us to make some radical changes, such as servers that are in wide-open PvP status, meaning anyone and everyone is fair game, with the exception of guild members (sorry, extreme griefers!).

(We promise not to do this on existing PvE servers. 😛 )

Hey, is there more PvE content coming?

You bet! We are finalizing a revamp of one of our most classic raids, featuring an ever-hungry dragon, where you may well become part of the buffet! More to follow later in the year..

PvE has always been, and continues to be an important focus for the RIFT team – it was high time PvP crowd had a turn, so we are putting some focus there this year. As we have from the very beginning of RIFT we try to do something for each of our main playing groups and we will certainly be cycling back to cover as many play-styles as possible.

RIFT’s 7th Anniversary is fast approaching – plans are afoot to launch new Instant Adventures set in the Droughtlands and Moonshade Highlands. Right along with the Anniversary, the Carnival of The Ascended also returns to Telara, which includes some spectacular new mounts.

The RIFT Team, old and new!

We are also incredibly happy to welcome Amary back to the team as a Producer! People who have been with RIFT a long time will remember her from the very early days of Telara. She has never really been that far away here at Trion, but she is officially back on RIFT full time. Amary will help us drive and set our direction as well as executing many of the exciting plans we have in store for you.

We change and experiment with many things here on the RIFT team, trying out new things in the game or even trying changes to our business model. One of the other areas we often change and evolve is the way the team is actually organized, and who is responsible for what. In that vein we are changing the way we do class balance and changes. We have many exceptional designers on the team who will work collaboratively on classes and balance rather than placing it on a single individual – spreading around the ideation, and responsibility will be better for the whole team, and for all of you!

Naturally, throughout the year, we will continue to read and address your feedback, run seasonal events and introduce new items.

We are stoked to see what the new year brings, and we’ll roll up new characters on RIFT Prime to relive some of the amazing adventures we had seven years ago.

~The RIFT Team
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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Holiday Login to Win Sweepstakes Update!

Over the holidays, RIFT hosted a Login to Win Sweepstakes. Here’s the update you’ve been waiting for!

From December 13, 2017 until January 4, 2018, we asked our NA and EU players to login to our games for a chance to win a treasure trove of sweet loot! Each daily login counted towards an extra entry.

Here’s what the winners will get:
  • One of three Ophiel’s Bounty’o’Mounts, a colossal collection of over 40 mounts including the Abyssal Thresher, Burning Husk, Celestial Unicorn, Frosty Budgie, Hazel Cappie, Moosedantix, Primal Razorback, and many more!

Now…the winners have been chosen! We sent out emails to the winners earlier today (January 16, 2018). Check your mailboxes to see if you’re a winner! Once we’ve heard back from all the winners, we will update you on who won!

Thank you for participating in our holiday sweepstakes and being an amazing part of our vibrant player community!
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Saturday, January 13, 2018

RIFTstream Jan. 12 Recap – Spicy Noodle Challenge

On Friday, January 12, 2018, Yaviey hosted the weekly RIFTstream with special guests Archonix, RoughRaptors, and Habidakus to take on the Spicy Noodle Challenge!

Linda “Brasse” Carlson (Director of Community Relations at Trion Worlds and RIFT’s Community Manager) was gone at PAX South, so she left Yaviey in charge of the show. Jennifer “Yaviey” Bridges (Trion Worlds Social Media Manager and form RIFT Community Manager) was joined by Chris “Archonix” Junior (Game Director, RIFT), Ryan “RoughRaptors” Copeland (Software Engineer, RIFT), and super special guest Jason “Habidakus” Abbot (Senior Engineer on Trove and formerly RIFT).

For this truly unique livestream, RoughRaptors and Habidakus agreed to do the Spicy Noodle Challenge and eat some of the world’s spiciest noodles live on the stream! Later, RoughRaptors hopped onto Gelidra (EU shard) to pwn n00bs as his RoughRaptors dev character in exchange for a shiny new Eternal item. They then finished off the stream by visiting the Wintercharm’s Garden dimension by Kiwiflava (a memorial to Dimensioneer Wintercharm) and gave away some sweet prizes. Watch the whole video to learn more!

  Come back next week on Friday, January 19, 2018 for our next weekly RIFTstream. More details will be revealed soon.
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Thursday, January 11, 2018

RIFTstream Spicy Noodle Challenge

This week Yaviey will host the weekly RIFTstream for a very special Spicy Noodle Challenge!

Brasse is out at PAX South this week, so this Friday, Jennifer “Yaviey” Bridges, Social Media Manager for Trion Worlds (and former RIFT Community Manager) will be joined by Ryan “RoughRaptors” Copeland (Software Engineer, RIFT) who will take on the Spicy Noodle Challenge! There will also be updates on the login contest, the upcoming Name Reclaim, and the new Wintercharm NPC. Join us!

Friday, January 12, 2018
11:30 AM PDT: Spicy Noodle Challenge
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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Remembering Wintercharm

The RIFT Dimensioneering community mourns the recent loss of one of its long-time, creative members, Wintercharm. With tomorrow’s update, she will live on within Telara…

We all love our online communities. They bring so many of us together from around the world. We live, laugh, play, challenge each other and celebrate camaraderie with our fellow players, guildmates; our friends. Sadly, real life inexorably moves on, and, over time, we lose some of the wonderful people we have shared our game worlds with.
Wintercharm was a beloved member of our RIFT Dimensioneering community, whose kindness and creativity will be missed in equal measure. RIFT players created a lovely memorial dimension to remember Wintercharm, which you can explore in game. Her fellow Dimensioneers celebrated her life and many contributions in this forum thread.

An image from “Wintercharm’s Garden,” the memorial dimension created by her fellow players.

Dev Tacitus has worked closely with all of the Dimensioneering group for years, and was moved to create this in-game memorial on personal time. “My heart breaks for a parent to lose a child like that,” exlained Tacitus, “I wanted to let her mom know how much her daughter had touched the Rift community; that her daughter wasn’t just a customer, but also a valued part of the social fabric that makes up that community. I also wanted to do it for the Dimensioneer community, to be some balm to them as well, to help them process and heal from such a loss.”

We want to offer a special thanks to Mike and Gene from our art team for taking the time to adapt an NPC model for this special purpose fast enough so that Tacitus could get her into RIFT with tomorrow’s update. We hope that her friends and family will take some comfort and quiet enjoyment from this quiet memorial.

Click on the following link for the short video Tacitus made for Wintercharm’s friends and family: Keyvah Wintercharm awaits on Icewatch Ridge in Iron Pine Peaks, near the Stillmoor Border. She offers lovely Wintercharm Blossoms for your Dimensions. These enchanting, pale blooms will add a gentle charm to any dimension, whether planted simply or in groups. The Enchanted Wintercharm Blossoms include a pulsing glow and light sparkles.

We hope that you enjoy them in the spirit in which they were created, and remember one of our own. The Wintercharm Blossoms are available for a small number of Void Stones, an easily obtained form of in-game currency.

As you ramble through Telara, always remember that each person you interact with is a real, thinking, caring human being. Let us all be good to each other as we set off into 2018 together!
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Thursday, January 04, 2018

Lorestream & Packing Away the Ugly Sweaters!

Join Brasse, DeadSimon and CaptainCursor for new year’s resolutions, lore, and announcing the winners of the RIFT Ugly Sweater Costume Contest!

It’s 2018, and we’re happy to pack away all of our ugly holiday sweaters at last, but not before we reveal the best of the entries in the contest recently held on the forums! Our warmest thanks to Madarablackgetsuga (@blackgetsuga on Twitter) for organizing the contest.

Brasse will host this week, doing her best to keep the guests in line. CaptainCursor will delight the audience with random tales of lore, while DeadSimon will do what he does best, squishing Ascended under his bony feet. eventually relinquishing an Eternal Item to some lucky person!
Friday, January 5, 2018
11:30 AM PDT
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Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Name Reclaim by Jan 31!

It’s a new year, and it’s time to clear the dusty shelves of names long unused. These names will be freed up for use by new and active players.

We will release the names of characters that have not logged in for over one year as of January 31, 2018. If you’re not sure you’ve played a character in the last year, don’t take the chance – please log into each character whose name you wish to retain at least once before midnight, Pacific Time (UTC -8) on January 31, 2018. This will automatically record your character as being active and will keep your existing names in place.

Be assured that we’re not deleting CHARACTERS – they’ll remain intact, in case their owners wish to play again in the future. If you take no action and come back after the reset, you’ll be prompted to choose new names for your characters when you log in. There is no charge for the automatic rename process.

The name reclaim and release will apply to ArcheAge, RIFT and Trove PC. We are sending emails to all affected accounts, and will also get the word out through this blog, our livestreams and social media. If you have friends who may be affected, please pass it on!
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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Fae Yule EXTENDED to Jan 11!

Some Grinch-like critters tried to steal Fae Yule but the brave techno-elves of Trion fought back and we are EXTENDING Fae Yule for all!

We know that a number of people have had issues with disconnects and lag over the past weeks, and we felt your pain as well. The folks who perpetrate DDOS attacks care nothing for the people who are just trying to have fun in games. It’s an ongoing battle in our online world, but our security and technical staff have made great strides over this past week, in hopes of a happy holiday break!

Our CEO, Scott Hartsman, is writing a note on the situation as well, and we will link it here for you as soon as it is ready!

We thank you for your patience and invite you to enjoy Fae Yule until 3:30 PM PST (UTC -8), Thursday, January 11th! Don’t miss out on any of the amazing activities, challenges, specials and presents!

A special thanks to Tacitus for taking time while on PTO and in the middle of a move to make this extension happen!
We raise a glass of traditional Fae yule MEEEEAAAAAD to you!
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